Latest Sports Toto Draw Results 4425/16, 31/05/2016, Tuesday

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Dear Mark,

Here's the latest results for Draw No. 4425/16 Draw Date 31/05/2016, Tuesday.

  Draw Date : 31/05/2016, Tuesday Draw No. : 4425/16  
Prize payments guaranteed in full
First Prize Second Prize Third Prize
6458 3702 8365
Special Prize
2498 1066 2340 4464
6314 1231 5922 5027
  8155 9725  
Consolation Prize
5615 8742 0174 4714
0149 9029 6512 7330
  6359 1323  

Jackpot 1 RM3,299,487.37
6458 + 3702 6458 + 8365 3702 + 8365
3702 + 6458 8365 + 6458 8365 + 3702
Jackpot 2 RM231,277.93
Matches any 1 of top 3 and any 1 of special winning numbers

Toto lotto games - chances to become a millionaire!
TOTO 6/63
4 10 16 17 26 49
Jackpot RM26,962,297.03

TOTO 6/58
27 29 30 41 42 53
Jackpot RM9,666,237.44

TOTO 6/55
3 15 28 44 45 52
Jackpot RM23,744,569.13

Toto 5D & Toto 6D - prize payments guaranteed in full
TOTO 5D 1st Prize
6 2 3 1 4
4th Prize
  2 3 1 4
2nd Prize
0 2 1 1 9
5th Prize
    3 1 4
3rd Prize
9 4 7 8 9
6th Prize
      1 4

TOTO 6D 1st Prize
3 4 5 5 1 0
2nd Prize
3 4 5 5 1  
  4 5 5 1 0
3rd Prize
3 4 5 5    
    5 5 1 0
4th Prize
3 4 5      
      5 1 0
5th Prize
3 4        
        1 0


Your Lucky TOTO 4D Number: 5631
Your Lucky TOTO 4D JACKPOT Numbers: 0692 + 2854

To unsubscribe this free service, please access here by entering your User ID and e-mail address. The User ID assigned to you is 98316.

Disclaimer : Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided here, mistakes can occur. In the event of a discrepancy between this information and the official winning numbers list, the latter shall prevail. Confirmation of winning numbers can only be verified at any of our sales outlets.

This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and contains information that is confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use, review, distribute or copy this e-mail. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately and delete the message. Thank you.

Sports Toto Malaysia – Grand Toto 6/63 RM26.9mil Message to Website Subscribers

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Dear Mark,


It is really exciting to see that the Grand Toto 6/63 Jackpot is going to surpass RM26.9 million and eagerly awaiting a winner today, Tuesday (31/05/2016).

Just pick 6 numbers ranging from 1 to 63 which are meaningful to you like birth date, age from those closest to you, loved ones, relatives, friends, and colleagues or they could even be your own favourite numbers. As an alternative, you can also get lucky-pick numbers at any Sports Toto outlet.

Come on! Get your tickets NOW and make your millionaire dream comes true!


Visit us at for more information.

Your Lucky TOTO 4D Number: 2265
Your Lucky TOTO 4D JACKPOT Numbers: 9127 + 1197

To unsubscribe this free service, please access here by entering your User ID and e-mail address. The User ID assigned to you is 98316.

Disclaimer : Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided here, mistakes can occur. In the event of a discrepancy between this information and the official winning numbers list, the latter shall prevail. Confirmation of winning numbers can only be verified at any of our sales outlets.

This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and contains information that is confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use, review, distribute or copy this e-mail. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately and delete the message. Thank you.

Sports Toto Special Draw - 31/05/2016 (TUESDAY)

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Dear Mark,

Visit us at for more information.

Your Lucky TOTO 4D Number: 9316
Your Lucky TOTO 4D JACKPOT Numbers: 6178 + 8248

To unsubscribe this free service, please access here by entering your User ID and e-mail address. The User ID assigned to you is 98316.

Disclaimer : Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided here, mistakes can occur. In the event of a discrepancy between this information and the official winning numbers list, the latter shall prevail. Confirmation of winning numbers can only be verified at any of our sales outlets.

This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and contains information that is confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use, review, distribute or copy this e-mail. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately and delete the message. Thank you.

Latest Sports Toto Draw Results 4422/16, 25/05/2016, Wednesday

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SPECIAL DRAW on 31/05/2016 (TUESDAY)
Ticket is on SALE now! Go For It!

Dear Mark,

Here's the latest results for Draw No. 4422/16 Draw Date 25/05/2016, Wednesday.

  Draw Date : 25/05/2016, Wednesday Draw No. : 4422/16  
Prize payments guaranteed in full
First Prize Second Prize Third Prize
8132 1500 7331
Special Prize
2650 1027 1941 1707
1457 7289 5540 5669
  8992 6511  
Consolation Prize
9700 4916 4896 9052
2620 1524 4085 5995
  0951 2354  

Jackpot 1 RM27,014,063.62
8132 + 1500 8132 + 7331 1500 + 7331
1500 + 8132 7331 + 8132 7331 + 1500
Jackpot 2 RM195,526.43
Matches any 1 of top 3 and any 1 of special winning numbers

Toto lotto games - chances to become a millionaire!
TOTO 6/63
20 22 30 38 54 58
Jackpot RM26,530,455.61

TOTO 6/58
1 13 28 41 46 54
Jackpot RM9,345,588.54

TOTO 6/55
25 39 49 51 54 55
Jackpot RM23,227,040.33

Toto 5D & Toto 6D - prize payments guaranteed in full
TOTO 5D 1st Prize
8 5 2 5 9
4th Prize
  5 2 5 9
2nd Prize
4 1 9 7 0
5th Prize
    2 5 9
3rd Prize
7 8 2 4 8
6th Prize
      5 9

TOTO 6D 1st Prize
1 8 5 7 3 2
2nd Prize
1 8 5 7 3  
  8 5 7 3 2
3rd Prize
1 8 5 7    
    5 7 3 2
4th Prize
1 8 5      
      7 3 2
5th Prize
1 8        
        3 2


Your Lucky TOTO 4D Number: 4597
Your Lucky TOTO 4D JACKPOT Numbers: 6413 + 0966

To unsubscribe this free service, please access here by entering your User ID and e-mail address. The User ID assigned to you is 98316.

Disclaimer : Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided here, mistakes can occur. In the event of a discrepancy between this information and the official winning numbers list, the latter shall prevail. Confirmation of winning numbers can only be verified at any of our sales outlets.

This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and contains information that is confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use, review, distribute or copy this e-mail. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately and delete the message. Thank you.