Dear Mark, Here's the latest results for Draw No. 4699/17 Draw Date 16/12/2017, Saturday. | Draw Date : 16/12/2017, Saturday | Draw No. : 4699/17 | | Prize payments guaranteed in full | TOTO 4D | First Prize | Second Prize | Third Prize | 9537 | 4916 | 1926 | Special Prize | 2620 | 9331 | 5934 | 5927 | 4493 | 6872 | 4184 | 0804 | | 3172 | 7715 | | Consolation Prize | 5221 | 6262 | 8987 | 8657 | 9090 | 5785 | 2010 | 9678 | | 7065 | 7524 | | | TOTO 4D JACKPOT | Jackpot 1 | RM9,806,394.30 | 9537 + 4916 | 9537 + 1926 | 4916 + 1926 | 4916 + 9537 | 1926 + 9537 | 1926 + 4916 | Jackpot 2 | RM260,132.05 | Matches any 1 of top 3 and any 1 of special winning numbers | | Toto lotto games - chances to become a millionaire! | SUPREME TOTO 6/58 | 12 | 29 | 31 | 34 | 35 | 39 | Jackpot | RM51,323,896.19 | POWER TOTO 6/55 | 3 | 20 | 35 | 41 | 47 | 50 | Jackpot | RM24,930,808.27 | STAR TOTO 6/50 | 23 | 24 | 30 | 35 | 37 | 42 | + | 27 | Jackpot 1 | RM6,380,793.29 | Jackpot 2 | RM144,118.74 | Toto 5D & Toto 6D - prize payments guaranteed in full | TOTO 5D | 1st Prize | | 4th Prize | | 2nd Prize | | 5th Prize | | 3rd Prize | | 6th Prize | | TOTO 6D | 1st Prize | | 2nd Prize | | or | | 3rd Prize | | or | | 4th Prize | | or | | 5th Prize | | or | | | Your Lucky TOTO 4D Number: 0267 Your Lucky TOTO 4D JACKPOT Numbers: 8237 + 4326 | To unsubscribe this free service, please access here by entering your User ID and e-mail address. The User ID assigned to you is 98316. Disclaimer : Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided here, mistakes can occur. In the event of a discrepancy between this information and the official winning numbers list, the latter shall prevail. Confirmation of winning numbers can only be verified at any of our sales outlets. This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and contains information that is confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use, review, distribute or copy this e-mail. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately and delete the message. Thank you. | |
3Assalamualaikum senang sekali saya bisa menulis dan berbagi kepada teman-teman disini, Awal mula saya ikut pesugihan, Karena usaha saya bangkrut dan saya di lilit hutang hingga 900jt membuat saya nekat melakukan pesugihan, hingga suatu waktu saya diberitahukan teman saya yang pernah mengikuti penarikan uang ghaib dengan AKI SOLEH JAFFAR menceritakan sosok AKI SOLEH JAFFAR, saya sudah mantap hati karena kesaksian teman saya, singkat cerita saya mengikuti saran dari pak.aki saya harus memilih penarikan dana ghaib 1 hari cair dengan tumbal hewan dan alhamdulillah keesokan harinya saya di telepon oleh pak aki bahwa ritualnya berhasil dana yang saya minta 3Milyar benar-benar masuk di rekening saya, sampai saat ini saya masih mimpi uang sebanyak itu bukan hanya melunaskan hutang ratusan juta bahkan mampu membangun ekonomi saya yang sebelumnya bangkrut, kini saya mempunyai usaha di jakarta dan surabaya yang lumayan besar, saya sangat bersykur kepada allah dan berterimakasih kepada pak. AKI SOLEH JAFFAR berkat beliau kini saya bangkit lagi dari keterpurukan. Jika ada teman-teman yang sedang mengalami kesulitan masalah ekonomi saya sarankan untuk menghubungi ki sholeh jaffardi 0853-7778-3331 agar di berikan arahan Atau KLIK DANA GAIB